When Corporate Systems Crush Powerless Employees…

All the flaws in a mega reservation system end up crashing down on first the lone staffer’s head, and then on any customers unlucky enough to depend on this satellite location. The “headquarters” operation could be set up to take pressure off these isolated Hertz employees, but instead procedures push more problems onto their backs.

A system that drives both employees and customers crazy. That truly is crazy.

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Reality Poses the Ultimate Challenge to Skeptics:

No amount of argument shakes the skeptic’s credo, and so it’s refreshing that they are being upended, not only by metaphysics or deeper investigation into consciousness–all of which gets dismissed as woo-woo, but by science itself. With the discovery of so-called dark matter and dark energy, which either obeys none of the laws of nature that apply to ordinary matter and energy or else conforms to those laws in a hidden way, the primacy of the visible universe has shrunk alarmingly. Every solid object in the cosmos, including interstellar dust, is barely the cherry on the top of an ice cream sundae, because only a fraction of 1% of creation is constituted by ordinary matter and energy.

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