California’s Eerie ‘Earthquake Pause’ Is Unprecedented

It’s a little too quiet in California, seismically speaking.

The state is experiencing a century-long lull in large, ground-rupturing earthquakes, temblors that actually offset the earth at the surface. The 7.9-magnitude Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906 was a ground-rupturing quake; photographs taken in its aftermath show roads and fences with new bends and twists.

Now, new research finds that this 100-year earthquake gap is very unlikely to be a statistical fluke. Instead, something geological is probably causing the peaceful period.

Read more. Learn more. Click here.


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On Philippine Politics

Let’s face it and accept the reality of politics in our country. We can no longer believe and trust what political candidates promised. Or look upon the good they have done before. The system will definitely corrupt them after their first term in position. We can only be assured of their sincerity in public service when they accept full accountability and put themselves in a check-and-balance law. They must conform and agree to their own Death Penalty. Only for public servants who do graft, plunder, and corruption while in their term of unservice or task of nation bleeding. But will they push a law that will incriminate them? I guess no. They all want to just rape the Mother Land and get rich. And that is how the Philippines will die. Killed by its own ugly politicians.

Sa totoo lang, naglolokohan lang tayong mga Pilipino.

How to solve the broken political system of the Philippines once and for all.