Signs You Had a Narcissist Parent

Being raised by a narcissist can have long-term effects on a child’s self-esteem and future interpersonal relationships. The following signs indicate you were raised by a narcissist mother or father.

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Why Do Codependents Attract Narcissists?

Codependents and narcissists are attracted to each other like moths to a flame. It’s no accident that these two opposites are so frequently found together.

The stark difference between the two is that while codependents are over-givers, narcissists are over-takers. This means that the relationship dynamic will always become toxic.

And this is also the reason why seemingly good friend relationship in the beginning ends up on a break away, never to return.

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How To Get Over A Narcissistic Relationship: 15 Essential Steps

Narcissistic personality disorder is a term that may have crossed your path during your quest for answers—understanding this is the first step toward healing.

You might still feel the pull of the trauma bond, that invisible chain that held you tied to the narcissistic relationship that took more than it gave. 

It’s okay. It’s natural to grieve the loss of what you initially thought was a healthy relationship, and it’s essential to acknowledge the emotional distress you’ve been through.

The best way to start healing is by recognizing the signs and admitting that what you’ve experienced is far from the love you deserve.

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10 Shocking Facts About Narcissists They Don’t Want You To Know

Have you always found it hard to navigate a narcissist’s manipulative ways? If yes, then these facts about narcissists might help you understand them and their ways better. Understanding the science of narcissism is crucial in countering them and their manipulative ways.

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Five Traits of the Female Narcissist

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What The Bible Say About Narcissism? A Biblical Perspective

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How Narcissistic Parents Destroy the Ability to Communicate

Jerry Wise explains how parents in narcissistic families fail to communicate effectively. He describes eight ways this happens.

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Knowing the Narcissist : The 3 Key Interactions With the Narcissist

You only ever have three key interactions with the narcissist. You need to know what those interactions are and what is behind those interactions.

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The Top Signs You’re Dealing With a Narcissist, According to Therapists

As someone who writes relationships-focused articles that live online, I can tell you that the topic of narcissism draws a lot of clicks. Based on Google search data, hundreds of thousands of people are eager to know how to protect themselves from a narcissist or whether they’re in a relationship with one—or used to be. And it’s easy to see the appeal of armchair-diagnosing an a-hole who has wronged you with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD): It effectively casts them as the bad actor in the story—clinically, they can’t even help themselves! Break free of them and you’re well on your way to being whole again.

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Knowing the Narcissist : The IPSS Shelved or Disengaged?

The Intimate Partner Secondary Source (“IPSS”). Who is this?

Briefly, these are ways in which the IPSS will manifest.

1. Someone the narcissist is dating where intimacy has occurred.

2. The narcissist is in a relationship (married, living with somebody, partners) but has a victim on the side as a mistress.

3. As per 2, but where the victim is a side piece, a booty call, an occasional shag.

4. As per 2, but where the victim and the narcissist know one another through repeated and extensive online interaction which has become intimate in nature.

5. As per 2, but with someone the narcissist may see for a weekend or a few days and then does not see the victim for several weeks or longer. There is intimacy in the relationship.

6. The narcissist is not in a relationship (married, living with somebody, partners) but the victim corresponds with 3,4 or 5 above.

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