If you have a cattle farm or dairy and you want your waste turned into resources and profit.

If you have a cattle farm and you want your waste turned into resources and profit.

Our company eliminates the need for ever increasing organic waste landfill, aerobic lagoons, and chemical treatment to manage and control waste. We have turned organic waste into resources to generate power in over 430 Waste-to-Energy (W2E) biogas/biomethane plant construction projects all around the world.

The purpose of this data gathering is to offer you a free service to do project feasibilty, sustainability, and ROI study based on your given waste data- analyze, quantify, qualify, and assess its potential for a possible W2E project.

A Project Budgetary Concept Proposal (BCP) and a Consultancy Service Proposal (CSP) will be submitted for your consideration if the endeavor is to your advantage and would greatly add to your bottom-line. A study result with an ROI of less than 5 years.

We can help you assess the potential of your organic waste and recommend ways to increase your bottomline. Just answer the questions below and email to


Full Contact Name:

Company Name:



Landline Nos.:

Mobile Nos.:

Email Address:


-No. of cows/buffalos?

-Amount of manure of cow/buffalo per day (kg)?

-free range or housed?

-when flush on housed livestocks, with water, est. dry matter in manure/water mixture per day/? per month? per year? (%)?

-with dairy operation or without?

-if yes, dairy liquid waste stream per day? month? year? (cu.mtr)?

Looking forward to serve you.

Jess C. Gregorio

PlanET Biogas Global GmbH

Email: j.gregorio@planet-biogas.com

Email: gregoriojess@yahoo.com

Website: http://en.planet-biogas.com/

Biogas Technology Reference Site:


Reference Biogas Plant in the Philippines:


Reference Landfill Replacement Project:


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