Your One True Friend

By Jordan Yates

My best friend told me once that if I ever moved away from home, she’d stop visiting home and fly to wherever I was.

When I mentioned that I want to move to the UK, her response was “Ooh, that’s not too far from northern Europe! We could take a trip to Norway from there!”

She’s studying abroad right now with a month to go and she told me “I don’t want to leave here, but I can’t wait to hang out with you.”

No matter how far apart we are, she keeps planning herself into my life.

At the same time, though, we can go for days without talking.

She was gone for a month with no internet or phone service and when she finally got back to civilization, she texted me like nothing had ever changed.

We can tell each other anything.

I can say things like “I almost wet the bed last night” and “I think guys with mustaches can be incredibly attractive” and “Want to hear the world’s only placenta joke?”

And I know she won’t judge me… not too harshly, anyway.

We can talk about gossip and neuroscience and our dreams and geology and Hamilton all without pause. There’s nothing we can’t share.

We laugh. We cry. We eat large amounts of Taco Bell.

We stay friends no matter how many time zones apart we are or how many days we go without speaking.

We can be completely honest with one another and there’s no doubt it comes from love.

We keep planning ourselves into each other’s lives.

That, to me, is a true friend. One who isn’t a friend out of convenience but out of devotion.

One who stays your friend even when it’s difficult or when the geography doesn’t line up.

One who wants to be around you, and is willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

One that won’t put you on the spot with someone you hate to meet, talk to, or event where people you cannot stand being with are present and you are surprised to be forced into such awkward situation. True friend will have the empathy to respect your boundaries and would honor your wishes.

I’d say I got lucky. I’ve had the same best friend for almost twelve years.

She’s a true friend.