Eucharistic Miracles, Dronero 1631 and San Mauro la Bruca 1969, Italy

In 1631, a young farm girl foolishly kindled a fire with dry hay. Because of a heavy wind, the fire spread to the town of Dronero. Every attempt to extinguish the flames proved useless. A Capuchin friar, Maurice da Ceva, inspired by his great love of the Blessed Sacrament, took the monstrance containing the large Host from the Church of St. Brigid and in procession walked to where the fire was raging. The fire at once subsided.

At San Mauro la Bruca unknown thieves secretly entered the church and stole several sacred objects; one was the pyx (ciborium) that contained consecrated Hosts. The thieves threw the Hosts aside; a child discovered them. The Hosts are preserved to this day.

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