Eucharistic Miracle, Cava Dei Tirreni, Italy, 1656

The “Feast of the Castello” has been faithfully celebrated since 1657 and it recalls the plague epidemic which visited the City of Cava on May 25, 1656, Ascension Thursday. The plague was stopped by a religious Corpus Christi procession which started from the Castle of the Annunciation and proceeded to the higher terrace of Monte Castello.

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Eucharistic Miracle, Cascia, Italy, 1330

In 1330, at Cascia, a gravely ill peasant called the priest so he could receive Communion. The priest, partly through carelessness and partly through apathy, instead of taking the ciborium with him in order to carry the Eucharist to the house of sick man, irreverently placed a Host in a prayer book. When he reached the peasant the priest opened the book and with astonishment saw that the Host was transformed into a clot of blood and the pages of the book were marked with blood.

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