Eucharistic Miracle, Canosio, Italy, 1630

This particular Eucharistic miracle features a pastor, Father Antonio Reinardi, whose deep faith in the Eucharist was responsible for saving the village of Canosio from the torrential floods
of the Maira River with a blessing of the Blessed Sacrament. There were many conversions among those who witnessed the miracle and to this day the townspeople of Canosio celebrate a feast during the Octave of Corpus Christi to commemorate the miracle.

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Eucharistic Miracle, Bolsena, Italy, 1263

In 1263 a German priest, Peter of Prague, stopped at Bolsena while on a pilgrimage to Rome. He was celebrating Mass in the Basilica of Bolsena, and when the moment of consecration arrived, the Host was transformed into Flesh. This miracle strengthened the wavering belief of the priest in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The Sacred Body was inspected by Urban Pope IV and by St. Thomas Aquinas. This miracle helped convince the Pope to extend the feast of Corpus Christi to the universal Church so that everyone could recognize the love God has for those who love and worship him.

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