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What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? Too quick to judge he was, Dagger of words to pierce her heart, For an action judged presumably…


Embracing My True Self: A Journey from Shadow to Light

As I navigated the vast and unfamiliar world around me, I constantly felt out of place. The reflection in the mirror seemed alien, amidst a society where my skin tone, features, and even the melody of my voice stood in stark contrast to the predominant white canvas. Every whispered word, every curious glance, magnified my insecurities. The challenge was not just in the unfamiliar language that danced around me but in the silent dialogues my mind engaged in; questioning my worth, my identity, and my belonging.

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Depression Linked to Ultra-Processed Foods, Sweeteners

People who eat more ultra-processed foods – particularly artificial sweeteners and-artificially sweetened drinks – could be at higher risk of depression, according to new research.

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Eucharistic Miracle, Bagno di Romagna, Italy, 1412

In 1412, the then prior of the Basilica of St. Mary
of Bagno di Romagna, Fr. Lazzaro da Verona, while celebrating the Holy Mass, was assailed by doubts about the Real Presence of Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament. He had just pronounced the words of consecration of the wine when this was transformed into living Blood and began to flow from the chalice and land on the corporal.
Fr. Lazzaro, profoundly moved and repentant, confessed his unbelief to the faithful present at the celebration and the profound miracle that
the Lord had worked before his eyes.

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Eucharistic Miracle, Asti, Italy, 1535

In both the Eucharistic miracles of Asti from the consecrated Host gushed out real blood and there are numerous documents that confirm these events. In the first miracle, Mons. Scipione Roero had a notary act drawn up and Pope Paul III on November 6, 1535 granted a plenary indulgence to anyone who visited the Church of San Secondo on the anniversary of the miraculous event.

The second miracle took place in the old Chapel of Opera Pia Milliavacca and it is documented by numerous testimonies gathered by a notary public, underwritten by the priest and by imminent clerical and non- denominational authorities.

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Eucharistic Miracle, Saint Claire of Assisi, Italy, 1240

The History of Saint Clare, Virgin, tells of various miracles performed by Saint Clare. There are episodes of multiplications of loaves, of bottles of oil that appeared in the convent when there was none before. But Clare performed the most famous of the miracles in 1240, on a Friday in September, in which she turned away an attack by Saracen soldiers who had broken into the convent cloister by showing them the Sacred Host.

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Eucharistic Miracle, Alatri, Italy, 1228

In Alatri’s Cathedral of Saint Paul the Apostle is kept even today the reliquary of the Eucharistic miracle that occurred in 1228 and consisted in a fragment of the Host turning into flesh. A young woman, in an effort to regain the love of her sweetheart, consulted a sorceress who ordered her to steal a consecrated Host to make a love potion. During Mass, the young woman hid a Host in a cloth. But when she got home, she realized that the Host had been transformed into bleeding flesh. This miracle has extensive documentation, including from Pope Gregory IX.

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What to Know About 4-7-8 Breathing

Street Art, Breathe, Inhale, Exhale

The 4-7-8 breathing technique is based on pranayama breathing exercises. Pranayama is the ancient yogic practice of controlling your breath. These types of mindful breathing exercises have been shown to have many benefits for stress reduction and relaxation. The 4-7-8 breathing technique was developed by Dr. Andrew Weil. He refers to it as a “natural tranquilizer for the nervous system.”

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How Age, Gender, Weight, and More Can Affect Sleep

When you think about what’s likely to keep you from getting a good night’s sleep, you might picture noisy neighbors, a fussy child, or a snoring partner. But some things that aren’t so easily dealt with – like your age, gender, and where you live – could also affect how well you sleep, according to a WebMD survey of more than 2,000 people.

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