Eucharistic Miracle, Walldurn, Germany, 1330

One of the most complete documents about the Eucharistic Miracle is told of the Eucharistic Miracle of Walldurn Germany in the year 1330 was written by the Monk Hoffius in 1589. During the Mass a priest accidentally overturned the species of the consecrated wine onto the corporal it then transformed into Blood and formed an image on the corporal of the Crucified Christ. The relic of the corporal with the Blood is preserved today, placed on the side altar in the minor basilica of Saint George in Wulldurn.

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Eucharistic Miracle, Regensburg, Germany, 1255

In the Eucharistic miracle of Regensburg, a priest was assailed by doubts concerning the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist during the Holy Mass. At the moment he was elevating the chalice, the wooden crucifix above the tabernacle came to life, and the Lord slowly extended his arms to the priest, took the chalice from his hands and exhibited the Holy Eucharist for adoration of the faithful.

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