Eucharistic Miracle, Kranenburg, Germany, 1280

In 1284, in the small city of Kranenburg in the district of Kleve, there was a Eucharistic miracle known under the name of “Miracle of the Miraculous Crucifix.” A sacred Host was thrown near a tree by a shepherd who was not able to swallow it because of an illness. Later, the tree was cut in half and a perfectly carved crucifix fell on the ground. On the place where the crucifix was found, a church was built. That church is still there to this day and numerous pilgrims come to visit it.

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Eucharistic Miracle, Erding, Germany, 1417

On Holy Thursday 1417, a peasant stole a consecrated Host, which in the course of his journey escaped from his hands and flew away in the air. He tried in vain to catch it. It was only thanks to the direct intervention of the Bishop that he was able to recover the particle. A chapel was immediately built on the site where the miracle occurred. There were many cures and wonders attributed to the veneration of this miracle.

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