To love

Success may blind you. I learned that on the path to success, you can get weighed down by all you wish to achieve, deadlines, and especially …

To love

Eucharistic Miracle, Benningen, Germany, 1216

In 1216, the village of Benningen was the location of a Eucharistic miracle in which the Host bled. A few years later in 1221, the citizens of Benningen began the construction of a chapel in honor of this miracle which is known as Riedkapelle zum Hochwürdigen Gut. From 1674 to 1718 the Riedkapelle was rebuilt and enlarged to accommodate the large number of pilgrims. Each year, during the Feast of Corpus Domini (Corpus Christi), the parish of Benningen makes a procession to the Riedkapelle, to celebrate the commemoration of the miracle.

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