Eucharistic Miracle, La Rochelle, France, 1461

The Eucharistic Miracle of La Rochelle concerns the instantaneous cure of a boy paralyzed and mute since the age of seven when he received Communion at Mass on Easter Sunday, 1461.
He was completely healed of his paralysis and was, once again, able to speak. The most authoritative document that describes visually this miracle is the painted-manuscript preserved still today in the Cathedral of La Rochelle.

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Eucharistic Miracle, Faverny, France, 1608

On the Vigil of the Feast of Pentecost, the monks of Faverney decided to expose the Blessed Sacrament for public adoration. During the night, a fire flared up which destroyed the altar and
the sacred furnishings, but not the monstrance containing the Sacred Host. The monstrance was retrieved after a few days while it was suspended in the air perfectly intact. The miraculous Host is still kept today and many are the pilgrims who every year hasten to venerate the miracle.

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Eucharistic Miracle, Douai, France, 1254

In the Eucharistic Miracle of Douai, a consecrated Host was unintentionally dropped to the ground while a priest was distributing Communion to the faithful. Immediately he bent down to pick it up, but it lifted Itself up in flight and went to place Itself on the purificator. In Its place, a little later,
a wonderful child appeared, who all the faithful and religious present in the celebration could contemplate. Although more than 800 years have elapsed, even today it is still possible to admire the Host of the miracle. All Thursdays of the month, Bin the Church of Saint Peter of Douai, many faithful gather in prayer before the miraculous Host.

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