Eucharistic Miracle, Bordeaux, France, 1822

In the Eucharistic Miracle of Bordeaux, Jesus appeared giving a blessing for more than 20 minutes in the Host exposed for public adoration. Even today it is possible to visit the Chapel of the Miracle and venerate the precious Relic of the Monstrance of the apparition, which is kept in Martillac, France, in the church of the contemplative community “La Solitude”.

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Eucharistic Miracle, Blanot, France, 1331

The Eucharistic Miracle of Blanot took place during the Easter Mass of 1331. During Communion, a Host fell to a cloth that was held below the communicant’s mouth. The priest tried
to pick it up, but it was not possible. The Host had transformed into Blood, resulting in a stain – the same size as the Host – on the cloth. That cloth is preserved today in the village of Blanot.

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