When everything is beautiful, then it is evil. When everything is good, then it is bad.

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What Is Spirituality?

By People Life Politics and Bullshit

In my early 20s, I was told I was an anarchist.

What.. ist? 

I had no idea what it was,  

But after looking it up

I thought I could join that club

Then I was told I was a hippie. 

I had never been hip!

And hippie? 

I wasn’t a white middle-class teen from the United  states 

who engaged in debates 

I was wild, crazy and untamable

But peace and love could motivate 

even a lost teenager

So with age

I broke out of the cage

Turned over the page

Got engaged in seeking meaning 

And searching for a new path

In the end I got on a new stage

With burning the white sage

Then one day, after many years

on the winding spiritual path   

A question popped into my head 

And I could not stop asking people that

I wanted to know if we all had the exact definition of the term.

So I asked everyone I met:  

“What is spirituality to them?”

What about you? What is spirituality to you?

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