Why the Maharlika Investment Fund is a Violation of Public Trust if made into a Law

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11 Ways Narcissists Use Shame To Control You

Narcissists often have a complex relationship with shame, as they strive to maintain a grandiose and perfect image of themselves. They are highly sensitive to criticism or any perceived threat to their self-esteem, which triggers deep feelings of shame.

However, instead of confronting and processing their shame, they tend to project it onto others by belittling or shaming them, in an attempt to protect their fragile ego. Paradoxically, this avoidance of shame can further isolate narcissists and perpetuate a cycle of unhealthy behaviors and relationships.

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How emerging technology can immediately help Philippine Education. More effectively at less cost.

As AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Google’s Bard continue to advance, they offer the potential to level the educational playing field for all students.

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Idea to solve Philippine Homelessness Problem

Instead of theorizing on original ideas that we have before, and of which we have so many in the past that did not work, maybe it would cost less for our government to just look at solutions from other countries that actually worked.

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