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How the Philippines can be great just by following Facebook’s pattern to success

There is something that Mark Zuckerberg did that made the people around wanted to be part of Facebook.

Imagine if the Philippine Government can do that, not only for a specific political figure worship, but for the Philippines as a country.

Could you imagine how Filipinos can benefit if we turned what we do viral just like what Zuckerberg did to Facebook?

We must find this Zuckerberg in us and change ourselves for the better. Or perhaps we can just copy the pattern and save ourselves a lot of “original thoughts but too expensive and unproven solutions” that our leaders mostly resorts to nowadays.

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How the Philippines can attract and grow manufacturing by riding a global trend

Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, investments in clean technology in America are soaring as companies rush to claim its benefits.

Maybe we can do the same thing in the Philippines?

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The ‘great resignation’ is over—and Gen Z, millennials could benefit the most

Abundant job opportunities, labor shortages and significant pay increases for workers who changed jobs all fed this historic quitting wave — now, however, these dynamics are abating, and the great resignation is looking like “a thing of the past,” says Nela Richardson, the chief economist at ADP.

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