The Humble Beginnings of a Starbucks CEO

Poverty cannot stop a dream. It all depend on a person’s determination to rise above life challanges and constraints.


The Pros and Cons of Living in a Rich Country

We all wanted a better life. And we look upon those nation that has the system and wealth we can capitalize on. We wanted to have a fair chance so we consider immigration. Becoming a citizen of such nation.

This is especially true if we were born in a country that does not give fair returns for every effort made to advance one’s situation in life. When a country we knew from birth is full of corruption, manipulation, and exploitation of the powerful and moneyed individuals who control not only the government but majority of the businesses as well. With hopelessness and desperation, we look to a place where the grass are greener and the environment fair and square.

There are gains to achieve but there are sacrifices to give. We must be aware of all the possible realities awaiting us in the land of milk and honey.


Only One “YES”

No matter how many “NO’s” we have received in life, it all pales in comparison with a single “YES” attained. Keep moving forward. Don’t lose heart. Every failure gets you nearer that wished for success.