The Secret of Having More in Life

The more we give, the more we get. Perhaps the point is not to get, but to give.

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Keep Moving. You’ll Get There.

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How the Philippines can Realize Clean Air Environment Copying Norway’s Solution

There are now more than 600,000 electric vehicles on Norway’s roads. How can our government get into similar long term solution to raise national environmental health.

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It’s Okay Not To Be Okay. Don’t hide it. Let others know.

Often, when we turn to someone to tell them how we feel, or don’t present a mask of happiness, we get hammered with comments like “stay positive,” and other affirmations and slights which goes a long way toward making our feelings invalidated.

Most times we’re okay, or generally comfortable, but sometimes we’re not.

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What Men Needs to Unlearn

There are many lessons that men are taught throughout their lives, many of which can be limiting or detrimental to their personal growth and development. Here are five lessons that almost every man has to unlearn at some point.

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