100 Small, Fast, Powerful Engine, Torpedo Launch Capable Light Sea Crafts for Philippine Coast Guard and Navy

In liue on the almost deft and flagrant violations of our EEZ in the Philippine Sea by a bully country treating us with political carrot and stick and threatening us no end, our leaders in the Senate and Congress, and the Ruling Executive Branch, must put the nation’s money where their mouth is in passing a Law that will see us mass manufacture a locally designed “Sea Combat Ready small but fast sea craft that has machine guns and surface torpedo launch capabilities to thwart hostile surface and submarine crafts plying in our seas.”

We now can see that a million Diplomatic Protest is futile against a nation whose intention is to dominate us and treat us as modern slaves in our own sovereign territory. Peace and diplomacy is no longer effective. We must answer with a force of our own by being creative in building our own Coast Guard and Navy.

100 units of these on the first batch, then another 100 every quarter, and by the end of the year we will have a capable swarm to sink all those trespassers on our seas, a hit and run Philippine Coast Guard and Navy to protect us. Guerilla warfare on the Philippine Sea.

For a start, let us use our nation’s taxes to build these small, fast, but deadly and to be feared light crafts. The Filipinos can!

Always have 10 units patrolling our seas at anytime and let us see if those large Chinese bully vessels would have the guts to even do dangerous manuevers or blinding laser lights for any of our limited numbers of medium sized Coast Guards or Navy ships.

This makes sense but only if our government would listen and do serious works of building these small, unexpensive, simple swarming solution.

Then while on it, think also of unmanned small suicide flying droids that can do “Kamikaze” Style mission. Our larger ships can have a thousand of these on board, used and controlled by every Coast Guard or Navy Personnel using RC Toy Technology to hone them to trespassing foreign bully warship or militia nearby.

We need to know how to defend ourselves first before China can start respecting us. This fact is contained in their Art of War.

I am sick and tired of being bullied around by China. I am a Filipino and I am not a coward. I am ready to die for my country. What is Philippines for the Filipinos when foreigners can easily push and shove our sovereignty right in our own backyard? They want to nuke us? Then let us blow this planet to oblivion that Chinese and Filipinos can no longer live and benefit from it.

To hell with China!

What China has been doing right in our own backyard…




Israel Build and Test a Small Torpedo Capable Light Defense Sea Craft https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/politics-and-diplomacy/unmanned-sea-vessel-fires-first-torpedo-458007

20 Paradoxes That Are True

Some of the most important truths in life are contradictory on the surface. They seem like impossibilities, yet experience proves them to be obvious over and over again. It isn’t until you look a bit deeper, beneath the surface contradictions, that the real grains of wisdom emerge.

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Giant List of 90s Movies to Watch With Your Kids

It seems crazy to me that the 90’s were 20+ years ago. I still feel like they were just a few years ago(I guess I’m showing my age here, right?). There were some amazing things in the 90’s like Doc Marten’s, platform shoes, thrift store jeans. We also had our fair share of fabulous 90s movies. There were some doozies in there too. But I made a list of the best of the best that you should definitely be watching with your kids!

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9 Parenting Documentaries to Raise Your Kids

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