How Unpunished Criminal Politicians Enhance Corruption, Killings and Impunity

Few countries have as corrupt a criminal justice system as the Dominican Republic. The scarce but well-intended efforts that law-enforcement officials have made to arrest criminals and raid clandestine laboratories and drug spots are often hampered by the Dominican Republic’s weak criminal justice system, which, in many cases, fails to prosecute and imprison perpetrators due to their influence within or association to the PLD.

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Can thinking positively about aging help fight memory loss?

The study in JAMA Network Open suggests that older adults with positive beliefs about aging were more likely to recover from MCI than those with more negative beliefs about aging.

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Speak the truth boldly for it meant the life of others

Why do we Christians keep a hesitant silence regarding what we believe in, in spite of the so-called “new evangelization”. Each one will make his or her own analysis about this and will come up with their own particular version.

The Evangelist does not speak because he has been told to do so by a recent sociological study, or because of political “prudence”, or because “he feels like saying what he thinks”, no; he does so because a presence and a command have certainly compelled him, from the outside, without coercion, but with the authority of He who deserves all the credit: “Go out to the whole world and proclaim the Good News to all creation” (Mk 16:15). That is, we obediently evangelize, although we must do so gleefully and confidently.

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