17 big, fat books for your summer reading

Here I’ve gathered a few of my favorite 500+ page novels, plus several that have been hanging out on my TBR list a while. I’d love to hear your take on these titles and your other favorite lengthy reads in comments.

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How to be happy on your own

In this post, we plan to show you the path of how to be happy. What you must understand is that you are responsible for your own happiness. No one is going to serve it to you on a silver plate.

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Prone to Wrong Perception Most of Our Life

Our personal perception of what we experience is not equal to what it is that we experience (the exterior world.) This is why some people dealt a crappy hand can turn it into a wonderful life, and also why some people who seem to have it all commit suicide in the prime of life.

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God Revealed

This was now the third time Jesus was revealed to his disciples after being raised from the dead.

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