Empty Tomb. Angelic Announcement. Believe.

We heard many tales. We saw many ways. We toyed with different ideologies. We lived them. Proclaim it. In and out of so many belief. But we are still empty. Sad. We pretend to be happy. To be complete to solicit empathy. To attract attention. To show the world. And yet, we are still dead in our mistaken identity.

There won’t be peace until our soul find its way to its True Creator. Not just ideas and perceptions of men with their imaginations and personal discoveries.

We have the most convincing fact- Easter! The Empty Tomb. The Angelic Announcement. We all just have to believe, and all will be well.

They saw and Believe! Why can’t we? Why do we men always wanted it hard for ourselves?

This Easter Sunday, we just simply ask Jesus, who rose from the dead to take us in an experience of His Resurrection to finally recover our life back.

What matters most is not what or how we feel, it’s the Truth behind what we believe.

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