12 Hoovering Tactics Narcissists Use

Hoovering is a common tactic that narcissists will use when you have escaped (or are escaping) their toxic web and they want to pull you back into their world. 

Much like a Hoover will vacuum up everything in its path.

Oftentimes, the words or actions that the narcissist is employing will seem innocent enough on the surface. 

Other people might even respond with, “oh, that was nice of them,” when you relay what they’ve said or done. However, you know deep inside, that it just doesn’t feel right, even if you can’t put your finger on ‘why.’

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Spilling our treasure for someone we love

We all wanted to be charitable, to help other people, to spend our money to show the world we care. But have we really spilled our treasure on those that really matter for us? What really matters in life? In using great treasures of this world such as the expensive oil, Judas thinks only about himself in helping the poor, the fame it will give him or their group as apostles in doing it. Mary thinks only about the person she loves. We must ask ourselves who we truly are- Judas or Mary?

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